





   要选择具有耀眼,并且饱和色彩的宝石戒指。虽然他们不透明,但是一定的净度和切工可以使宝石呈现透明的色彩,并且展现其最美丽的一面。选择指南     选择您的戒指
选择您的宝石  选择您的珠宝商
14K 黄金戒指 10K 黄金戒指
9K 黄金戒指 宝石戒指
蓝宝石 红宝石
钻石 其他宝石

戒指——宝石 更多 >>  
商品编号: LABS0004
Natural Labradorite Facet Single Oval, 4.76 CTS
单价: $USD 761.60
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: OPLS0565
Natural Fire opal Cabochon Single Oval, 2.05 CTS
单价: $USD 6.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: RDSS0002
Natural Rhodochrosite Cabochon Single Oval, 12.53 CTS
单价: $USD 11.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: TPZS0008
Natural Topaz Cabochon Single Round, 13.97 CTS
单价: $USD 90.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: TPZS0134
Natural Topaz Facet Lot Cushion, 7.93 CTS
单价: $USD 26.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: TPZS0137
Natural Topaz Facet Single Square, 2.02 CTS
单价: $USD 4.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: SERS0002
Natural Seraphinite Cabochon Single Pear, 42.42 CTS
单价: $USD 32.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: MRGS0006cado
Natural Imperial Morganite Facet Single Oval, 8.34 CTS
单价: $USD 369.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: QTRVS0038
Natural Quartz Carving Single Animal, 37.44 CTS
单价: $USD 28.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: QTRS0219
Natural Quartz Facet Single Rhombus, 20.32 CTS
单价: $USD 69.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: QTRS0264
Natural Quartz Facet Single Heart, 6.21 CTS
单价: $USD 12.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: QTRL0210
Natural Quartz Facet Lot Octagon, 8.60 CTS
单价: $USD 16.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: PORS0001
Natural Porcelanite Cabochon Single Oval, 8.00 CTS
单价: $USD 18.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: FPMS0013
Natural Fossilised Palm Cabochon Single Oval, 4.00 CTS
单价: $USD 3.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: TNZL0002
Natural Tanzanite Facet Lot Octagon, 5.61 CTS
单价: $USD 199.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: OPLL0019
Natural Fire opal Facet Lot Drop, 1.97 CTS
单价: $USD 56.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: AMEL0005
Natural Amethyst Facet Lot Fancy, 2.78 CTS
单价: $USD 9.75
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: SCTVL0003
Natural Scapolite Carving Lot Fish, 13.08 CTS
单价: $USD 66.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: ONYVL0004
Natural Onyx Carving Lot Cameo, 11.30 CTS
单价: $USD 24.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: SCTVL0007
Natural Scapolite Carving Lot Fancy, 9.62 CTS
单价: $USD 36.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: AMEVL0039
Natural Amethyst Carving Lot Fancy, 39.20 CTS
单价: $USD 142.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: TURVL0051
Natural Tourmaline Carving Lot Owl, 28.10 CTS
单价: $USD 444.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: CORVL0004
Natural Coral Carving Lot Flower, 11.13 CTS
单价: $USD 101.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: MOPS0014
Natural Mother of Pearl Cabochon Single Fancy, 27.72 CTS
单价: $USD 18.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: PHES0001
Natural Phenakite Cabochon Single Oval, 32.26 CTS
单价: $USD 800.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: AMES0208
Natural Amethyst Facet Single Oval, 39.00 CTS
单价: $USD 91.80
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: QTRL0217
Natural Quartz Facet Lot Pear, 6.90 CTS
单价: $USD 7.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: TURL0560
Natural Tourmaline Facet Lot Baguette, 2.91 CTS
单价: $USD 29.70
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: SPNYS0003
Natural Sphene Crystals Free Shape, 21.13 CTS
单价: $USD 42.30
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: OPLS0385
Natural Opal Cabochon Single Fancy, 44.64 CTS
单价: $USD 603.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: TURS0341y
Natural Paraiba Tourmaline Facet Single Pear, 1.73 CTS
单价: $USD 6055.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: TURS0602
Natural Paraiba Tourmaline Facet Single Oval, 10.75 CTS
单价: $USD 1111.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: DNBL0003
Natural Dinosaur Bone Cabochon Lot Pyramid, 62.03 CTS
单价: $USD 24.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: DNBS0010
Natural Dinosaur Bone Cabochon Single Trillion, 31.46 CTS
单价: $USD 19.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: DPSS0001
Natural Diopside Cabochon Single Oval, 0.79 CTS
单价: $USD 12.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: AMERL0001
Natural Amethyst Rough Free Shape, 25.73 GR
单价: $OUR PRICE USD 12.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: AQNL0003
Natural Aquamarine Cabochon Lot Round, 4.59 CTS
单价: $USD 13.80
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100

商品编号: PRDL0061kt
Natural Peridot Cabochon Lot Round, 32.49 CTS
单价: $USD 900.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: SPRS0489tc
Natural Sapphire Jewelry Manufacture Line Oval, 1.48 CTS
单价: $USD 101.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.

积分: 100

商品编号: SPRCL0659tc
Natural Sapphire Jewelry Manufacture Line Oval, 4.06 CTS
单价: $USD 60.00
All Icgems.com gemstones are 100% natural. No lab, created or synthetic gemstones. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.
积分: 100







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